Name: Travis Wertz (Travlodge, T Wertz, Wertzy)

Birthday: May 14, 1977

Major: Electronics Engineering Technology

Minor: Folk Dance

Hometown: Unincorporated Salt Lake County

Hobbies: Piano, listening to music, the computer, camping, fishing, hiking, repelling, basketball, soccer, baseball, most sports in general, and dancing.

Interest: I like learning, reading books, photography (especially taking pictures of sunsets), beanie babies, my cabin, playing with my siblings, building sand castles, body surfing, tubing, sledding, snowmobiling, eating most anything but Mexican, the Far Side, and taking apart and rebuilding things.

Family Info: I'm the oldest of 10 kids. I have 2 sisters, 7 brothers, and 1 Celestial brother, 2 dogs, 1 fish, 2 parents, 4 grandparents, and a slew of cousins. My mom is a mom and my dad is an entrepreneur.

Fun Stuff: I ran Track and Cross Country in High School (400 M and 800 M). I played competition soccer in High School and our team took the adult league division championship. I've been to Budapest, Austria, and Australia, Canada, and Tijuana. I served in the New York Utica Mission (upstate New York). I have a 93 percent fail rate in dating at BYU (a BYU record)!!

Available: Obviously (see previous sentence).




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